New employment opportunities in the era of the "metaverse"

2023-06-01 22:04:52 109

In the past two years, with the increasing popularity of the metaverse, more and more enterprises have begun to layout the metaverse. The metaverse has become a hot topic in the technology and capital sectors. While providing development assistance and empowering enterprises, the vast metaverse market requires tens of thousands of technological talents as support, creating a large number of job opportunities. For us, what are the employment opportunities in the metaverse at the forefront?


01 Policy benefits and giants lead, ushering in new development opportunities for the metaverse

 With the change in the country's attitude towards the metaverse, relevant support policies in various regions are also accelerating to seize the first mover advantage of the metaverse. At present, more than 20 provinces, cities, and regions across the country have issued support policies through government reports, industrial policies, action plans, and other means, laying the foundation for the development of the metaverse and helping relevant industries implement and land.


02 New industries empowered by the metaverse

Every development of new technologies is the rise of a new wave of employment. Although we cannot directly specify a reference industry for the metaverse now, we can see trends in its extended industries.


Games, retail e-commerce, and entertainment are the top three areas that have benefited the most from the development of the metaverse. Compared to traditional activities, the top three most popular activities in the immersive world are shopping, socializing, and health.


03 What are the employment directions in the metaverse?


Interactive Experience: Intelligent Hardware

 Various intelligent products and devices, represented by VR glasses, are currently an important medium for entering the metaverse world. In the future, there will definitely be more brain computer interaction devices, including brain computer interfaces, implanted chips, brain wave visualization devices, etc., to assist in the interaction between human consciousness and the virtual world, allowing people to have a realistic experience in the virtual world, even surpassing the real world.


Fundamentals of Visualization: 3D Engine


Virtual real estate: urban planning, architectural design

The metaverse is a space similar to or even surpassing the real world. If there is no reasonable urban planning and housing design, it will make people feel disorganized and lacking in aesthetics, thus losing interest in the virtual world. Therefore, practitioners related to urban planning and housing design can also achieve more surreal urban and housing designs in the metaverse, as space limitations allow them to freely unleash their imaginations.


Virtual humans: AI intelligence, big data
There is no need to say more about virtual humans. The ones we are most exposed to can be said to be virtual idols, which can be seen on various platforms. Nowadays, many companies have also used virtual personnel in their service halls for consulting services, and many educational and customer service products have also begun to try using virtual humans. To make virtual humans more humane and understand us better, we need the support of artificial intelligence and big data. For example, the recently popular ChatGPT can greatly enhance the practicality of virtual humans.


Clear settlement, contract: smart contract
A smart contract is a great invention of blockchain, which automatically starts execution if only the logic specified in the contract is met, and no one needs to act as an intermediary to supervise the execution process, as it will automatically run according to the logic of the contract and write the results into the blockchain ledger. Because of this, the design and writing requirements for smart contracts are very high, equivalent to the legal framework and enforcers of the metaverse.


Professional smart contract design, writing, and review are important support for blockchain in the metaverse. Currently, many virtual currency theft incidents are related to vulnerabilities in smart contracts. If you want to use blockchain to achieve various businesses in the metaverse, you must pay attention to the security and integrity of smart contracts.

The metauniverse is an industrial ecology, a decentralized network from the traditional Internet to the blockchain, from financial investment to public welfare donations, from basic disciplines such as mathematical physics to software engineering and other composite disciplines, from philosophy to engineering, from manufacturing to service industry, all walks of life can find opportunities in the metauniverse.

The metaverse is quietly changing our way of life and work. We believe that with the development of hardware, 5G, cloud computing, blockchain and other technologies, the true metaverse will be realized. The metaverse will also become the mainstream online experience for the next generation. To achieve this world of virtual and real interaction, it depends on the participation of various industries and the gradual aggregation and upgrading of technological innovation.