Multiple Achievements of China Unicom's "Intelligent Integration and Innovation Future" Appear at the 2023 World VR Industry and Metaverse Expo

2023-10-31 17:05:42 79 Guangming

          On October 19th, the 2023 World VR Industry and Metaverse Expo was held as scheduled in Nanchang. In this top-level gathering of outstanding figures in the global VR industry, China Unicom made a brilliant appearance with the theme of "Intelligent Integration and Innovation Future", setting up the Metaverse Frontier Technology Innovation Application Experience Center and two major exhibition halls of communication and digital technology. With multiple benchmark project achievements, China Unicom fully demonstrated the new achievements, practices, and achievements of 5G+VR in promoting digital transformation. Tang Yongbo, Deputy General Manager of China Unicom, was invited to attend the opening ceremony of the 2023 World VR Industry and Metaverse Expo and visited the China Unicom exhibition area for guidance during the conference.

           The novel and cool visual feast, interesting and fun interactive experience, and exciting and rich application models have attracted many viewers to stop and watch.

Promote the landing of the metaverse, deepen cultivation, and build a new engine for industrial development

           Entering the exhibition area, the fruitful achievements of China Unicom's 5G technology empowering smart VR are in sight. At the Metaverse Frontier Technology Innovation Application Experience Center, a large audience and industry partners are attracted by the charm of China Unicom's "5G+VR" empowering thousands of industries. In the exhibition area of China Unicom, staff introduced that the "5G+Industrial Blast Furnace 3D Visualization" can provide a deep understanding of the real-time display of blast furnace operation and the surrounding environmental status of the blast furnace with the assistance of 5G. It can timely provide early warning and event handling, and reduce the occurrence of safety accidents. Building a smart mining integrated platform based on geographic space, workflow, configuration, and other factors has achieved collaborative design, information management, and intelligent analysis of various professional businesses.
On the virtual reality (VR) rehabilitation training platform, one can fully experience the "black technology" experience brought by China Unicom's innovative products around VR and medical health. The platform uses the latest spatial laser positioning, optical lenses, variable force feedback and other technologies to build a three-dimensional virtual environment, helping patients carry out targeted rehabilitation training, achieving the ability to take care of themselves, move freely The 3D immersive interactive rehabilitation training aimed at relieving psychological barriers and other purposes has shown the audience more possibilities for targeted rehabilitation training in 3D virtual environments in the future. In addition, there are also participants wearing motion capture suits to drive digital humans in real-time, experiencing their inertial motion capture ability. It is understood that motion capture technology can not only be applied to interactive games, but also greatly improve the efficiency of animation production by capturing the actions of players, making the actions more realistic. It can now be applied to film and television shooting, live streaming, variety studio filming, IP modeling, and more.

Integrating reality and virtuality leads to a new normal of future life.

           In addition to empowering thousands of industries, China Unicom has also spread the landing scenario of the metaverse to more segmented areas of life. At the exhibition site, China Unicom's smart living area not only has a VR super powerful time machine that provides a highly stimulating experience of simulating a 360 degree roller coaster, but also allows users to occasionally hear screams from VR skateboards due to their surreal immersion, gliding, diving and other sports simulation effects.
           In addition, products and applications such as VR street interpretation, VR spatiotemporal theater, interactive brain computers, VR science and education treasure box&VR emergency, full digital incubation room, and AIGC creation have also attracted visitors to take photos and check in. Among them, the VR Science and Education Treasure Box is a high-tech VR simulation experience product that integrates virtual reality technology, 3D panoramic view, 3D modeling, simulation engine, and other high-tech technologies. It includes 14 categories and 54 courses such as aerospace and public health, and learns science and life knowledge and skills through education and entertainment. Yunchuang AIGC originated from China Unicom's metaverse platform and is currently divided into three major modules: AIGC graphics, text, audio and video, AIGC 3D character field, and multimodal large model interaction. It can help creators greatly accelerate their content creation capabilities through AI capabilities... The intelligent applications enabled by VR allow viewers to see more possibilities of future life.
The flourishing development of digital twin technology breaks through the deep water zone of industrial application.

           Under the trend of the digital economy, the integration of data and reality has become the main theme of the digital transformation of Qianxing Baiye. As a comprehensive form of technological application, digital twins are the core cornerstone of true connectivity and a booster for the high-quality development of the digital economy.

           China Unicom booth staff on-site introduced that in the Xiaolan Economic Development Zone of Nanchang, Jiangxi, China Unicom has established a digital twin application system for smart parks, which enables real-time monitoring, management, and tracking of all elements such as park operation, equipment operation, and property management. It gathers information from different dimensions in the digital twin world, Effectively enhance the management efficiency of park managers and their control over park resources. On the digital twin display platform of the Shangrao Pavilion at the ICIF, based on the spatiotemporal big data platform, the Internet of Things, and edge computing, a digital twin model centered on the Digital College of Shangrao Normal University and surrounding 300 square kilometers of building space is constructed by integrating GIS and BIM data, creating a comprehensive digital space. The smart venue operation platform of China Unicom is composed of digital twin operation screens, operation and maintenance service systems, social education service systems, venue metaverse and other systems and functions. It can cover multiple aspects such as venue management, operation and maintenance, and services, and can provide intelligent operation support services for venues in different industries.
           Intelligent integration, innovative future. In the future, China Unicom will actively embrace digital technology, fully promote the main channel of digital economy, and strive to draw a new digital picture of Chinese path to modernization with the pen of digital networking and intelligence.